I think now is the right time to start getting fit for this fun new year. With that in mind, I'm going to share 5 ways to get rid of the extra pounds ruining your body type. From eating the appropriate foods, hitting the gym or home workouts to avoiding stress and so on, I’m going to let you know in below Real Fit Tips how to accomplish your fitness goals for new year.
1. Follow a Fitness Diet Plan
2. Hit the Gym / Home Workouts
3. Stick to the Recommended Calorie Intakes
4. Avoid Stress
5. Get Quality Sleep
Final Thoughts
1. Follow a Fitness Diet Plan
The foods you eat are another important factor determining your body structure. Fatty, calorie-high foods will make you fat and obese whereas healthy foods that are low in fat alongside calories but high in the right nutrients will enable you to get that much-coveted fit body. With that said, start eating healthy and avoiding unhealthy foods that could cause you to become overweight and obese, eventually.
Create an implementable diet plan that will enable you to accomplish your fitness goals. Pointers: Lean meats, salmon, oatmeal, seeds (including sunflower, pumpkin, and flax seeds), bananas, Greek yogurt, nuts, eggs, are excellent fitness foods you can include in your diet plan even as you hope to get fit in preparation for summer. For your ingredient needs, you can check out Hello Fresh, Sun Basket, and Home Chef meal delivery services. Here is what experts are saying about the third option . Plus, you can also look up the Web if you don’t know how to get started as there are more than enough fitness diet plans shared there.
2. Hit the Gym / Home Workouts
Doing physical activity is without a doubt one of the most effective ways to get fit . It helps you shed those extra pounds that are causing you to be unfit. Hit the gym and start getting fit. If you don’t like going to the gym due to one reason or another, you can train at home. There are many incredible exercises you can watch online and do them without expert help to achieve your fitness goals. In addition, there are numerous apps you can use to get the morale you need to ensure you train consistently. Some of these apps can also enable you to track your progress and see whether you need to make some adjustments or not. You can also try some of the exercises I shared on @real_activewear some of them required minimum equipment and can help you to get excellent results.
Remember that there are 5 major types of exercises namely; aerobics, strength building, endurance, balance training, and flexibility. Be sure to include each one of these five types of exercises in your fitness routine to become holistically fit , especially after traveling. Since experts recommend training at least 5 days a week, you can do one type of exercise a day. I personally train 3 day Lower Body and 2 days Upper Body and Core.
3. Stick to the Recommended Calorie Intakes
According to experts, women should consume no more than 2000 calories a day to maintain a fit, healthy body. On the other hand, men should consume 2500 calories at most in order to accomplish the same goal. With that in mind, you should strive to watch your calorie intake, making sure it doesn’t exceed the recommended limit. The good news is that there are many easy-to-use gadgets and software applications people can use to effectively keep track of their calorie intakes. These solutions range from small, portable, wristwatch-like gadgets that are conveniently tied around a wrist to software pieces that are practically run on smartphones.
4. Avoid Stress
Did you know that stress can actually lead to weight gain and even obesity? According to research, the feeling of worry or nervousness can lead to what experts refer to as “comfort eating” whereby some people turn to binge eating as a way of consoling themselves. That habit causes them to ingest excess calories, leading to weight gain and eventually obesity.
There are many ways you can avoid stress or find relief from this feeling of emotional tension in an effort to lose weight and get fit for new year 2021 . Keep a positive attitude, be assertive as opposed to aggressive, do something that makes you feel excited even if it means playing video games, exercise often, and practice yoga. You can check out these 9 exercises that are deemed perfect for stress reli ef.
5. Get Quality Sleep
Getting adequate sleep is another important factor in weight loss . Making sure that you get at least eight hours of sleep nightly can enable you to shed off those extra pounds in many different ways. First, sleeping prevents you from eating hence zero calorie intake for you during this natural state when you are temporarily unconscious and your body is resting. Second, sleeping causes some impacts on two important hunger hormones namely ghrelin and leptin.
Ghrelin signals hunger in the brain, causing a person to eat and ingest more calories into the body. The levels of this hormone that is released in the stomach are high when the stomach is empty and low when the body’s food handling organ is empty. Furthermore, they are lowest when the body is in the state of sleep.
On the other hand, leptin does the exact opposite of what ghrelin does; signaling fullness and satiety in the brain. Furthermore, this hunger hormone that is released from fat cells suppresses hunger, allowing you to avoid overeating. The levels of leptin increase during sleep, explaining why we often don’t feel like eating immediately when we wake up.
With that said, you should try to get at least eight hours of quality sleep every night.
Final Thoughts
As you can see, the secrets to getting fit are; hitting the gym, eating healthy, sticking to the recommended calorie intakes, avoiding stress, and getting enough sleep. As a matter of fact, these are all implementable fitness strategies with which you will have an easy time and a wonderful experience. With that said, I think it’s time to get started.
Good luck with your fitness goal.
Johanna Real.
Real Activewear, CEO
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